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French court orders wind turbines shut off at night

Human impacts, Wind turbines Add comments

In early December, the Association for the Protection of Ménez, Quelec’h and Saint-Gildas won a groundbreaking court case in France, in which the Court of Appeals of Renne ordered that eight wind turbines in Cast and Châteaulin be shut down from 10pm to 7am.  The Association had sought court relief from night time noise disturbance in the area around the wind farm.  News coverage is spotty: here is a brief summary of the case, and here is a French news story, crudely translated by Google.

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2 Responses to “French court orders wind turbines shut off at night”

  1. » Blog Archive » Lawsuits begin to crop up, challenging nearby wind farms Says:

    […] the pond, a court in France responded to a noise complaint by ordering 8 wind turbines shut down from 10pm to 7am. addthis_url = ‘’; addthis_title = […]

  2. Caveat investor: Wind may let you down | Distant-Help Says:

    […] French court ordered the turbines in Cast and Châteaulin to be turned off between 10pm and 7am, thereby generating zero revenue or electricity during that […]