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Canadian Wind Farm Lowers Property Values Nearby; Now Rated Same as “Industrial Areas”

News, Wind turbines Add comments

In one of the first tests of wind advocates’ repeated claims that wind farms do not lower property values, a couple on Prince Edward Island asked for a reassessment, and found that their property had lost 10% of its value, solely due to the presence of wind turbines nearby. A spokesperson with the tax department said a handful of other residents living next to wind farms in West Prince also received lower assessments. Although the criteria for assessing property values doesn’t specify turbines, the department felt the properties near windmills should be treated the same as properties near industrial areas. Beverly Howard says there are now five new turbines within sight of their home, the closest about 500 metres away. “If you’re sitting out on your deck, they’re noisy, if you’re out gardening they’re noisy,” she said. “We can’t hear the surf anymore in the summertime; all we hear is windmills.” Source: CBC Canada, 12/23/08 [READ ARTICLE]
[See AEI Special Report: Wind Turbine Noise]

One Response to “Canadian Wind Farm Lowers Property Values Nearby; Now Rated Same as “Industrial Areas””

  1. » Blog Archive » Did wind farm reduce nearby property values on Wolfe Island? Says:

    […] several property owners near a Prince Edward Island wind farm had their property values reduced by the town by about 10%.  Developers of two different wind farms in Ontario – one of the Dufferin County farms and one […]